Thermafleece NatraHemp is a medium density hemp insulation for walls and roofs. Rich in hemp fibres, NatraHemp contains 60% hemp, 30% recycled polyester and 10% polyester binder with a high recycled content.
Thermafleece NatraHemp fits securely between rafters, joists and studs providing excellent thermal insulation performance. What’s more, with a density of 28 kg/m3, Thermafleece NatraHemp can provide good acoustic insulation in a variety of systems.
NatraHemp – plant fibre based insulation – The Key Facts:
- Width (mm) – 370, 570
- Thickness (mm) – 50, 70, 100
- Thermal Conductivity: 0.042 Wm-1K-1
- Density: 28 kgm-3
- Vapour Resistivity: 9 MN·s·g–1m–1
- Water Absorption (@100% RH): 17% w/w
- Specific Heat Capacity 1800 Jkg-1K-1
- Smoulder resistance and spread of flame to BS 5803-4: pass
- EN 11654:1997: Class A @ 100mm
- EN 11654:1997: Class A @ 70mm
- Embodied Energy (Net of Non-Fossil Feedstock Energy): 10 MJkg-1
- Recyclable: Yes
Thermafleece NatraHemp is harmless and can be handled without gloves or protective clothing, although we would alwasy recommend you wear a dust mask in enclosed spaces such as lofts. Thermafleece NatraHemp is a hemp based insulation which is not irritating to the skin, eyes or respiratory tract.