Yes, Thermafleece is made from British Wool.
All the wool used in our Thermafleece sheep’s wool insulation comes from British flocks, roughly split between England, Scotland and Wales. British flocks are relatively small in size compared to larger wool producing nations like Australia. The sheep we use for Thermafleece run free on the mountains and fells and are brought down to lower lying land in the winter. They are not housed indoors although in lambing season the ewes may be brought under cover to protect them.
All the wool clip comes from live sheep that are shorn in the spring of each year. All our wool is purchased through British Wool which is the government agency that manages the supply of all British wool bought and sold within the UK. They also conduct training and promote welfare. Our wool is only purchased at the British Wool auctions by a licenced wool merchant.
We are a British Wool licensee. Both British Wool and our company take animal welfare very seriously. You can find information on animal welfare on the British Wool web site: