The environmental benefits of sheep’s wool insulation are many. At Thermafleece we use the coarse coloured wool from hardy hill sheep which would otherwise go to waste to make our thermafleece sheep’s wool insulation. All our wool is British and we manufacture in Yorkshire, the home of British Wool.
Each kg of natural fibre locks up about 2 kg of carbon dioxide which helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Furthermore, once installed in your property Thermafleece will last the life of the building significantly reducing the impacts of replacement and repair.
Thermafleece is breathable, allowing a healthy moisture balance which helps protect the building fabric and health. It helps your building stay warm in colder months, helping to reduce energy bills whilst the higher thermal mass buffers the heat to reduce overheating in summertime. It is very effective at lowering sound levels within the building and is itch free, safe and easy to install.
For further information contact us on 01768 485050 or email